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School of Health Sciences

Course Syllabus

Medicine, Research Process, Second Level, 15 Credits

Course Code: MC2007 Subject Area: Field of Medicine
Main Field of Study: Medicine Credits: 15
    Subject Group (SCB): Medicine
Education Cycle: Second Cycle Progression: A1N
Established: 2006-11-01 Last Approved: 2017-03-28
Valid from: Autumn semester 2017 Approved by: Head of School

Aims and Objectives

General aims for second cycle education

Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall
- further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of their knowledge
- develop the students' ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
- develop the students' potential for professional activities that demand considerable autonomy, or for research and development work.

(Higher Education Act, Chapter 1, Section 9)

Course Objectives

After completed course, the student should show ability to:
Knowledge and understanding
- Describe how statistical calculations can be applied on scientific data
- Describe systems for quality assurance
- Describe aspects on philosophy of science and research ethics

Skills and abilities
- Independently perform literature retrieval and use relevant literature
- Present scientific publications in a formally correctly written report
- Orally present and critically discuss his/her own and other's scientific texts
- Discuss aspects on quality assurance, philosophy of science and research ethics

Judgement and approach
- Identify research ethical problems and research ethical considerations

Main Content of the Course

- Philosophy of Science
- Information retrieval
- Statistics
- Quantitative and qualitative research methods
- Research ethics
- Oral and written presentation
- Quality assurance

Teaching Methods

Lectures, seminars, opposition, oral and written presentation, own work.

Students who have been admitted to and registered on a course have the right to receive tuition and/or supervision for the duration of the time period specified for the particular course to which they were accepted (see, the university's admission regulations (in Swedish)). After that, the right to receive tuition and/or supervision expires.

Examination Methods

Presentation Technique, 1 Credits. (Code: 0303)
Individual oral presentation
Opportunity to compensate for missing participation in an obligatory course element is given by the course coordinator/examiner. Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.
Literature Reviews, 5 Credits. (Code: 0400)
Individual written report
Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.
Opponency, 1 Credits. (Code: 0601)
Individual oral opposition
Opportunity to compensate for missing participation in an obligatory course element is given by the course coordinator/examiner. Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.
Ethics and Society, 2 Credits. (Code: 0701)
The examination is divided in two parts:
a) Individual written report
b) Participation at a seminar contributing as a student reviewer with a thoroughly substantiated analysis of an assigned part of the material presented at the seminar.
Opportunity to compensate for missing participation in an obligatory course element is given by the course coordinator/examiner. Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.
Philosophy of Science, 1 Credits. (Code: 0702)
Individual written report
Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.
Statistics, 5 Credits. (Code: 0700)
ndividual written exam
Re-examination and additional re-examinations are given in accordance with local regulations at Örebro University.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).


According to the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 6, Section 18, a grade is to be awarded on the completion of a course, unless otherwise prescribed by the university. The university may prescribe which grading system shall apply. The grade is to be determined by a teacher specifically appointed by the university (an examiner).

According to regulations on grading systems for first- and second-cycle education (vice-chancellor's decision 2010-10-19, reg. no. CF 12-540/2010), one of the following grades is to be used: fail, pass, or pass with distinction. The vice-chancellor or a person appointed by the vice-chancellor may decide on exceptions from this provision for a specific course, if there are special reasons.

Grades used on course are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

Presentation Technique
Grades used are Fail (U) or Pass (G).
Literature Reviews
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).
Grades used are Fail (U) or Pass (G).
Ethics and Society
Grades used are Fail (U) or Pass (G).
Philosophy of Science
Grades used are Fail (U) or Pass (G).
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

To recieve the mark Pass with Distinction for the entire course, the students must have achieved Pass with Distinction in Literature Reviews and Statistics.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).

Specific entry requirements

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science, Degree of Master of Science in Medicine, Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Degree of Bachelor of Science Diagnostic Radiology Nursing, Degree of Master of Science in Dental Surgery, Degree of Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine, Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physiogherapy or Bachelor of Science in Sport Science. Additional requirements: English B/English 6.

For further information, see the university's admission regulations (in Swedish).

Transfer of Credits for Previous Studies

Students who have previously completed higher education or other activities are, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, entitled to have these credited towards the current programme, providing that the previous studies or activities meet certain criteria.

For further information, see the university's local credit transfer regulations (in Swedish).

Other Provisions

The course is mandatry in the programs Methods in Medical Diagnostics, Cardiovascular Medicine, Innate Immune System in Health and Disease and Nutritional Molecular medicine and Bioinformatics.

The course is given in English.

The course concludes with a course evaluation.

Transitional Provisions

For courses that have been discontinued or changed substantially in content or extent, three examination opportunities shall be offered within 18 months of the change being made.

Reading List and Other Teaching Materials

Additional Reading

Rekommenderad litteratur återfinns i studiehandledning

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