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Örebro University School of Business

Course Syllabus

Economics, Economics Research and Communication, 10 Credits

Course Code: NA2026 Subject Area: Field of Social Science
Field of Science
Main Field of Study: Economics Credits: 10
    Subject Group (SCB): Economics
Education Cycle: First Cycle Progression: G1F
Established: 2014-11-10 Last Approved: 2018-03-27
Valid from: Autumn semester 2018 Approved by: Head of School

Aims and Objectives

General aims for first cycle education

First-cycle courses and study programmes shall develop:
- the ability of students to make independent and critical assessments
- the ability of students to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously, and
- the preparedness of students to deal with changes in working life.

In addition to knowledge and skills in their field of study, students shall develop the ability to:
- gather and interpret information at a scholarly level
- stay abreast of the development of knowledge, and
- communicate their knowledge to others, including those who lack specialist knowledge in the field.

(Higher Education Act, Chapter 1, Section 8)

Course Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate deeper knowledge and understanding of micro- and macroeconomic theory
- demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of empirical methodology in economics.

Competence and skills

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate ability to analyse and critically discuss economic questions based on relevant theoretical and empirical models.

Judgment and approach

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate ability to discuss fundamental aspects of the significance of a scientific approach.

Main Content of the Course

1) Lectures on scientific approach, empirical methodology and report writing:
- Central issues in empirical studies
- Why and how economic theory can be used to justify the specification of an econometric model
- To choose the right method of analysis based on the available data and the economic theoretical framework.
- how to formulate testable economic hypotheses
- The statistical and economic interpretation of the estimates of the regression analysis.

2) Lectures and computer lab sessions on econometric models and their use.
- Data analysis and regression analysis with an econometric software (eg Stata)

Teaching Methods

Lectures, computer lab sessions, self-instruction, individual tutoring. Attendance is highly recommended for each of these activities.

Students who have been admitted to and registered on a course have the right to receive tuition and/or supervision for the duration of the time period specified for the particular course to which they were accepted (see, the university's admission regulations (in Swedish)). After that, the right to receive tuition and/or supervision expires.

Examination Methods

Economics Research and Communication, Computer Lab Session (Code: 0105)
The first computer lab session.
Economics Research and Communication, Individual Task, 2.5 Credits. (Code: 0110)
Individually written report.
Economics Research and Communication, Written Examination, 7.5 Credits. (Code: 0130)
Individually written examination.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).


According to the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 6, Section 18, a grade is to be awarded on the completion of a course, unless otherwise prescribed by the university. The university may prescribe which grading system shall apply. The grade is to be determined by a teacher specifically appointed by the university (an examiner).

According to regulations on grading systems for first- and second-cycle education (vice-chancellor's decision 2010-10-19, reg. no. CF 12-540/2010), one of the following grades is to be used: fail, pass, or pass with distinction. The vice-chancellor or a person appointed by the vice-chancellor may decide on exceptions from this provision for a specific course, if there are special reasons.

Grades used on course are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

Economics Research and Communication, Computer Lab Session
When the compulsory element is fulfilled the mark used is Participated (DT).
Economics Research and Communication, Individual Task
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).
Economics Research and Communication, Written Examination
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

A prerequisite to participate in the examination Individual Report is participation in the first computer lab session. This session contains learning components necessary to complete the individual report. A student who for special reasons couldn't attend the first session is offered a new opportunity at any of the other computer lab sessions during the course. A student who couldn't attend any of the sessions is referred to the next time the course is given.

Final grade
Grades used on the course are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).
To obtain the final grade Pass (G), the student must receive a passing grade on all examination components. In addition, the student must have attended all sessions where compulsory attendance is required. To obtain the final grade Pass with Distinction (VG), the student must in addition receive the grade Pass with Distinction on Written examination, 7,5 Credits.

The final grade will be translated into the ECTS grading scale.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).

Specific entry requirements

Successful completion of at least 19 credits on the course Economics, Basic Course, 30 Credits.

For further information, see the university's admission regulations (in Swedish).

Transfer of Credits for Previous Studies

Students who have previously completed higher education or other activities are, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, entitled to have these credited towards the current programme, providing that the previous studies or activities meet certain criteria.

For further information, see the university's local credit transfer regulations (in Swedish).

Reading List and Other Teaching Materials

Required Reading

Hansson, Sven-Ove (2007)
The art of being scientific
KTH, Stockholm, Manual/compendium, about 100 pages - will be available on the course homepage
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. 2016, 6th Edition eller tidigare versioner.
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach
Michigan State University, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-3052-7010-7, 912 pages, Kap 1-9, Kap 19 och Bilagorna A, B, C

Additions and Comments on the Reading List

Artiklar och annat material (max 500 sidor).

Articles and other materials (max 500 pages).

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