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Örebro University School of Business

Course Syllabus

Economics, Industrial Organisation, Advanced Course, 7.5 Credits

Course Code: NA301G Subject Area: Field of Science
Field of Social Science
Main Field of Study: Economics Credits: 7.5
    Subject Group (SCB): Economics
Education Cycle: First Cycle Progression: G1F
Established: 2016-11-11 Last Approved: 2018-03-27
Valid from: Autumn semester 2018 Approved by: Head of School

Aims and Objectives

General aims for first cycle education

First-cycle courses and study programmes shall develop:
- the ability of students to make independent and critical assessments
- the ability of students to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously, and
- the preparedness of students to deal with changes in working life.

In addition to knowledge and skills in their field of study, students shall develop the ability to:
- gather and interpret information at a scholarly level
- stay abreast of the development of knowledge, and
- communicate their knowledge to others, including those who lack specialist knowledge in the field.

(Higher Education Act, Chapter 1, Section 8)

Course Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate broad knowledge of Industrial Organization within the main topics of the course.
- demonstrate a deeper understanding about market structures and how these markets work under different assumptions about the kind of information available for the agents.

Competence and skills

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate deeper skills in picking a relevant theoretical model to analyse different firm strategies under the assumptions of strategic and non-strategic interaction among agents.
- demonstrate deeper ability to analyse and discuss effects on effectivity and welfare from different firm strategies.
- in a broader sense demonstrate an ability to analyse the role of the social planner, problems to regulate markets and with enforcing competition policy.

Judgement and approach

On successful completion of the course, students are expected to
- demonstrate an ability to discuss research questions within the field of industrial organization with a scientific approach.

Main Content of the Course

The focus will be on industrial organization. This microeconomic theory is useful in the analysis of firm behaviour during imperfect competition and with different degree of strategic interaction among firms. The course deals with issues in information economics and game theory. Example of topics in the course includes monopoly pricing, oligopoly pricing, advertising and asymmetric information, cartels and market regulations.

Teaching Methods

Teaching is in the form of lectures.

Students who have been admitted to and registered on a course have the right to receive tuition and/or supervision for the duration of the time period specified for the particular course to which they were accepted (see, the university's admission regulations (in Swedish)). After that, the right to receive tuition and/or supervision expires.

Examination Methods

Written Examination, 4.5 Credits. (Code: 0100)
Individual written examination.
Assignment, 3 Credits. (Code: 0200)
The reports must be written and presented individually. Thereafter you should review and discuss another students report.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).


According to the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 6, Section 18, a grade is to be awarded on the completion of a course, unless otherwise prescribed by the university. The university may prescribe which grading system shall apply. The grade is to be determined by a teacher specifically appointed by the university (an examiner).

According to regulations on grading systems for first- and second-cycle education (vice-chancellor's decision 2010-10-19, reg. no. CF 12-540/2010), one of the following grades is to be used: fail, pass, or pass with distinction. The vice-chancellor or a person appointed by the vice-chancellor may decide on exceptions from this provision for a specific course, if there are special reasons.

Grades used on course are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

Written Examination
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).
Grades used are Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG).

Final grade
To achieve the final grade Pass the student must Pass the written examination. To achieve the final grade Pass with distinction the student must Pass with distinction both on the written examination and assignment.

For further information, see the university's local examination regulations (in Swedish).

Specific entry requirements

Economics, Basic Course, 30 Credits and successful completion of at least 22 credits from Economics, Intermediate Course, 30 Credits. "English B/English 6" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School or equivalent is required.

For further information, see the university's admission regulations (in Swedish).

Transfer of Credits for Previous Studies

Students who have previously completed higher education or other activities are, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, entitled to have these credited towards the current programme, providing that the previous studies or activities meet certain criteria.

For further information, see the university's local credit transfer regulations (in Swedish).

Other Provisions

The course will be given in English.

Reading List and Other Teaching Materials

Required Reading

Luis M B Cabral (Second Edition)
Introduction to Industrial Organization
MIT Press, ISBN: 9780262035941

Additions and Comments on the Reading List

På kursen kommer utöver huvudboken även ett antal artiklar och annat skriftligt material att behandlas och specificeras i för kursen utarbetade anvisningar.

In addition to the main text book, papers and other material will be covered during the course. A list of this additional compulsory literature is specified further in the instructions compiled for the course.

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