Courses for Exchange Students (ECTS) 2018/2019

Multibody Simulation

Autumn week 36 (2018) - 44 (2018) CANCELLED Appl.code: 51010
Part-time, daytime class

ECTS credits: 7.5

Level of education: First Cycle (undergraduate level)

Level: G1F

Prerequisites: Mathematics I, 7.5 credits, Mathematics II, 7.5 credits and Object Oriented Programming, 7.5 credits.

Content: The course addresses modelling and simulation of physical systems like cars, airplanes and the human body in motion. Such systems consist of several movable parts, that is they are multibody systems. The course also covers applications of modelling and simulation in industry and for computer games.

Teaching Methods: Lectures and laboratory exercises. The course might be taught by tutoring instead of regular lectures, in case of few students.

Assessment: Oral examination and reports of laboratory exercises.

Course Coordinator: Henrik Andreasson

Course Syllabus: Autumn 2018

School: School of Science and Technology