Courses for Exchange Students (ECTS) 2018/2019

Swedish Politics and Policy

Autumn week 36 (2018) - 40 (2018) Appl.code: 11031
Full-time, daytime class

ECTS credits: 7.5

Level of education: First Cycle (undergraduate level)

Level: GXX

Prerequisites: Standard university admission requirements.

Content: This is a basic course that gives a general introductory understandning of Swedish politics and policymaking of today but with a focus on important changes over time as well. Three themes of particular importance are:
1/ Basic principles and patterns in the Swedish political system and politics, for example consensus, and the relation between central and local politics. The autonomy of the local level and its role in implementation of welfare policy.
2/ Changes of political steering and new perspectives of the role of the citizen.
3/ Important Swedish policy areas such as welfare, environment and gender equality.

Teaching Methods: Teaching may be conducted in the form of lectures and seminars.

Assessment: The course can be assessed through written examination, take-home examination, compulsory course components, paper, essay and /or oral examination.

Course Coordinator: Responsible Director of Division

Course Syllabus: Autumn 2018

School: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences