Courses for Exchange Students (ECTS) 2018/2019

Statistics, Production of Official Statistics, Second Cycle

Autumn week 36 (2018) - 45 (2018) Appl.code: 21002
Part-time, daytime class

ECTS credits: 7.5

Level of education: Second Cycle (master level)

Level: A1N

Prerequisites: First-cycle courses of 90 credits in statistics, including an independent project of 15 credits, alternatively 30 credits are for studies in statistics and 60 credits for mathematics.The applicant must also have qualifications corresponding to the course "English 6" or "English B" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Content: Data from administrative registers are used more and more in the production of official statistics. The course discusses the special demands and conditions for the production of official statistics, as well as how register statistics and be used for the production of statistics. The course focuses on the problem of statistical analysis based on register data.
Assessments: Written examination and Computer labs.

Teaching Methods: Teaching consists of a smaller number of lectures and a greater number of workshops. The lectures aim to outline the areas and problems discussed whereby subsequent workshops are aimed at a student-driven discussion of the specific issues covered in the course.

The course includes a lab with management of registers and the writing of a report containing a quality evaluation of published register-based statistics. Both of these elements are examined orally and in writing.

Course Coordinator: Nicklas Pettersson

Course Syllabus: Autumn 2018

School: Örebro University School of Business